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Fear Free Flying
PART ONE: Introduction and Preparation
1. Fear Free Flying Introduction (3:42)
2. PR tapping for Reversals (Pre-Tap) IMPORTANT (2:16)
PART TWO: Overcoming your Fear with TFT (To be done straight after Part One)
3. Overcoming your Fear with TFT (17:36)
PART THREE: Techniques to learn for the after the fear is gone
4. Replace the old fear with Positivity (6:58)
5. Collarbone Breathing (Do this every morning and evening if possible) (5:14)
6. Figure of 8 Technique- Do this any time you feel anxious (1:43)
7. Finger squeeze technique- use this whenever you feel worried or anxious (1:22)
PART FOUR: Hypnosis Track (Listen for at least 10 consecutive days after doing the tapping)
Fear Free Flying Hypnosis Recording
6. Figure of 8 Technique- Do this any time you feel anxious
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